Tuesday, October 12, 2010

MARRIED LIFE ~ what a dream... When I was a little girl all the way to adulthood I used to hope and pray that I would get married and life happily ever after with my knight in shinning armor. I never stopped to think that he may not know how to cook, may never have done any dishes and probably had a world of habits different from my own.
He is definitely my knight, or in our words, my doodle. He picks me up when I am down, makes me smile when I frown... I just need to remember these things when the laundry starts to pile up or the bed is not made exactly how I would make it. Compromise is not always as easy as the concept seems. But worth it in the end if you can live with your choices! I know I made a lot of bad ones and will probably make more, but this was one of the best choices I could have ever made ♥

Friday, May 14, 2010


I'm absolutely adoring how our city is coming together and rallying behind the Montreal Canadians. Its not to say that the hope has not been there in the past but years of disapointment challenged our faith. All this to say that is you give Montrealers an inch, we'll give YOU a mile!! The love and support that has been growing is incredible. On some level, one wonders if it isn't actually contributing in some cosmic way to the wins the Habs have been getting. In any case, all I have to say is GO HABS GO!!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Getting Married...

Here is some advice to my fellow engagees (does that word even exist?!whatever, u get my drift): PICK YOUR BATTLES! This is of course a life lesson but one that should be applied and then some when you are planning a wedding. Your parents will want certain things, then your fiancé, then their parents and family and then friends. Try to give on the things that aren't as important to you and very important to them because when you REALLY want something, no one can come back at you for being controlling! LOL... no but really, it's very good to decide in advance what matters to you and where you can be flexible. Because there is a lot to do my friends, A LOT!!! But its all in good fun of course ;)