Tuesday, October 12, 2010

MARRIED LIFE ~ what a dream... When I was a little girl all the way to adulthood I used to hope and pray that I would get married and life happily ever after with my knight in shinning armor. I never stopped to think that he may not know how to cook, may never have done any dishes and probably had a world of habits different from my own.
He is definitely my knight, or in our words, my doodle. He picks me up when I am down, makes me smile when I frown... I just need to remember these things when the laundry starts to pile up or the bed is not made exactly how I would make it. Compromise is not always as easy as the concept seems. But worth it in the end if you can live with your choices! I know I made a lot of bad ones and will probably make more, but this was one of the best choices I could have ever made ♥