Friday, April 11, 2008

Sex and the City meets the West Island

I love the West Island, I love the suburbs for that matter. All the trees, nice neighbors and a local hot spot to have a martini, it's perfect. The city seems so busy and cold and the country is far too rustic. But I feel like living in the suburbs you are expected to get married and have kids so much earlier then city folk. It's like this unwritten rule that if you are pushin 30, you might be in trouble... This rush to find a man and mate. Well I don't want to mate!! Well, more specifically I don't want babies yet. I'm having too much fun and babies change your life. I see my brother and his wife and all the concessions they have to make for their kids. I have to much left to do my friends and I am not going to let this theory of having kids early affect me!! Sex and the City here I come :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Long time no talk... Happy Vday!

Ok, to be honest with you I thought I had completely lost my blog for like a year, hahaha... Anywho, I hope everyone is having a nice Valentine's day :) I have been feeling it from certain people that they think Vday is a hoax or a way to make $$$. I so don't think so! I think it's wonderful that one day a year is devoted to telling people you love them. Whether it be your loved one, family or friends, no one is alone. I am so grateful to have the most caring people in my life and I am glad to be reminded today that I need to tell them. That's all... oh ya, and I love my monkey ;)