Thursday, February 14, 2008

Long time no talk... Happy Vday!

Ok, to be honest with you I thought I had completely lost my blog for like a year, hahaha... Anywho, I hope everyone is having a nice Valentine's day :) I have been feeling it from certain people that they think Vday is a hoax or a way to make $$$. I so don't think so! I think it's wonderful that one day a year is devoted to telling people you love them. Whether it be your loved one, family or friends, no one is alone. I am so grateful to have the most caring people in my life and I am glad to be reminded today that I need to tell them. That's all... oh ya, and I love my monkey ;)


Unknown said...

telling someone you love them shouldnt be done only on a special day. It should be done everyday of the year. For those who feel it needs to be done on VDAY, their loved ones need to be a little more romantic and sentimental thoughout the year! It is money making event if it isnt why do restaurants jack up the prices, stores their cards....

Anne-Marie said...

I think it CAN be a money making event if that is how you make it… But I think you missed my point entirely… You are right, people should tell each other they love each other everyday and do sweet things on a regular, but not everyone is quite that thoughtful, maybe they need a little push ;)