Saturday, August 13, 2005

So-called friends...

I am very confused at where the line is being drawn these days. How long do you have to be friends with someone in order for them not to be with the ones you love. In my opinion, I would never sleep with a good friends boyfriend or ex-boyfriend, I would not even do that to an aquaintance because for the most part, I treat others as I want to be treated. Recently Jen Wood, who I thought was my friend, decided to sleep (or fool around, no one can be certain) with Andrew, my recent exboyfriend who may have truly been my first love. Of course, when a guy becomes your ex-boyfriend, its free game on what they want to do with your feelings. But if there are people you should be able to count on, its your friends. Jen was there for me a couple nights after my break up, she saw my pain, but yet she can look me in the face and be with him like it meant nothing. DOES ANYONE CARE HOW THIS WOULD MAKE ME FEEL? Apparently not.

1 comment:

nymphtress said...

that's pretty low. there are lines that friends should respect. things like don't sleep with my brother, that's weird. and don't fuck my ex boyfriend, that's mean. there's such a thing called friendcest, that's incestuous relationships with friends. don't be that guy/irl.